Rosswald - Fleschboden 360°   14709
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1 Punta d'Aurona 2942m
2 Monte Leone 3553m
3 Wasenhorn 3246m
4 Breithorn 3438m
5 Huebschhorn 3192m
6 Weissmies 4023m
7 Boeshorn 3237m
8 Alphubel 4206m
9 Dom 4545m
10 Balfrin 3926m
11 Weisshorn 4505m
12 Aeusseres Barrhorn 3610m
13 Glishorn 2545m
14 Rosswald
15 Schwarzhorn 3201m
16 Augstbordhorn 2972m
17 Ginalshorn 3027m
18 Signalhorn 2911m
19 Illhorn 2717m
20 Grand Muveran 3051m
21 Brig-Glis
22 Sommet des Diablerets 3209m
23 Wildhorn 3247m
24 Gaersthorn 2927m
25 Bietschhorn 3934m
26 Breitlauihorn 3655m
27 Breithorn 3784m
28 Nesthorn 3824m
29 Schinhorn 3796m
30 Mittaghorn 3892m
31 Gross Fusshorn 3627m
32 Aletschhorn 4195m
33 Fuelhorn 2721m
34 Grosse Huwetz 2909m
35 Graus Horli 2613m
36 Hillehorn 3181m
37 Bortelhorn 3193m
38 Cima Vallaperta 2858m


Aufnahmestandort: Rosswald - Fleschboden (2327 m)      Fotografiert von: Marco Nipoti
Gebiet: Walliser Alpen      Datum: 07.01.2013
Rosswald, the ski resort near home door for the Briger.
A cableway (whose cabins spot nice curtains) starts from Ried suburb and easily reaches the car-free chalet dorf, with huge snowmaking facilities near houses :(
In effect the slopes exposition is facing south and a large reservoir was also dug to ensure artificial snow coverage on the slopes.
This reservoir was also useful to have some free room around for shooting this panorama ;)


Very nice composition... 
...including the wooden wind/snow-stoppers and your shadow (;-)
cheers Fredy
21.02.2013 11:56 , Fredy Haubenschmid

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Marco Nipoti

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