Let us see how many minutes are needed for the audience to locate this view.
I think that this summit is well know to ski-tourers.
12 horizontal images, Canon G9, 35 mm equiv, f/8, 1/800 sec.
RRady (Radek R.), Sebastian Becher, Jörg Engelhardt, Manfred Hainz, Thomas Janeck, Martin Kraus, Daniel Krähmer, Wilfried Malz, Jörg Nitz, Wolfgang Pessentheiner, M. R., Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen, Danko Rihter, Christoph Seger, Konrad Sus, Kathrin Teubl, Jens Vischer
Q.E.D. "Der Rest ergibt sich durch Induktion"
und Habicht gut in Sicht...
Der Blick geht auf den Lüsenser (Lisenser) Ferner, aller Voraussicht nach warst du auf der Lüsenser (Lisenser) Spitze; 3231 m. Das Bild vermutlich aus dem Skidepot heraus - am flacheren Gletscher vor dem Gipfelaufbau.
Rechts am Ende des Ferners das Dreieck des Schrankogels; links die Wände des Lisenser Fernerkogels.
LG Christoph
The pixel quality is what it is - I find that in particular the in-camera sharpening of these little Canons is frightening. However, in spite of this you are able to spot some little extras, including, but not limited to:
091°: Picco dei Tre Signori, 3499, behind Hoher Riffler
094°: Pizzo Rosso di Predoi, 3495, behind a saddle left of Olperer
105°: north wall of the Gran Pilastro
113°: Cima Grava, 3059, behind the Glättespitze
Incidentally, what I am liking more in my little G1X is that it seems made to be turned around without harm: in these rainy days I have generated the previews of dozens of works from Patagonia, and of all (more than 120) those from Creta, and I noted that parallax errors are nearly unknown - at least, with respect to what I get with the reflex.
Jörg E.
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