Festsaal of the poor...   33031
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1 Piz Palü E
2 Kuffner
3 Piz Palü Hauptgipfel
4 Bumiller
5 Zippert
6 Bellavista
7 Fortezzarücken
8 Piz Bernina O-Grat
9 Biancograt
10 Fuorcla Prievlusa
11 Piz Prievlus
12 Piz Morteratsch
13 Vadret Pers
14 Vadret da Morteratsch


Aufnahmestandort: Vadret Pers (2800 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Bernina Alpen      Datum: 22-05-2009
Seeing the wonders of N.27892, I was inspired to look what I had from this region. Finding out the object that you see here, short after having admired what I quoted, I automatically figured out the title that you read. I publish the work, however, because nice memories are bound to it.
Not least the story of a Skifelle that, after the descent from Piz Palü, in this precise spot totally refused to glue again, such that I had out to try out a makeshift solution for the (luckily short) final return up to the Diavolezza: picasaweb.google.com/albertopedrotti/Bishorn#5346461970428189634
Some people will perhaps wonder why I do not propose instead a summit panorama. But the day was one of strong wind, such that we were only two people to attempt the traverse, at places exposed, from Piz Palú E to the main summit. Walking with discretion was still possible, as you see in www.panoramio.com/photo/118546929 , but shooting panoramas definitely not.


Schöne Ergänzung zu meinem aktuellen Pano!

10.04.2015 08:54 , Jörg Engelhardt
Das ist der Festsaal, wie ich ihn kenne, und in seiner reinsten Form, auch wenn der Höchste sich hier in eine Wolke hüllt (und der Palü-Hauptgipfel etwas daneben liegt).
Panorama Nr. 1048 zeigt, wie der Festsaal vor über 100 Jahren im Sommer aussah.
10.04.2015 10:21 , Heinz Höra
Temo che... 
la sottile ironia sottesa allo slang "il Salone delle Feste DEI POVERI" non sia sufficientemente apprezzabile in inglese!...
Detto questo, comunque un'ottima panoramica. Temporibus illis anche io avevo postato qualcosa da quelle parti (# 14645 - veramente "da poveri", visto che per ragioni famigliari non ho potuto muovermi dalla Chamanna Diavolezza). Uno dei posti più "fotogenici" e affollati delle Alpi, a giudicare dal numero di scatti pubblicati da costì.
Ciao, Alvise
10.04.2015 15:48 , Alvise Bonaldo

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Pedrotti Alberto

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