This image was taken while cycling down from Rifugio Biella, after the ascent to Croda del Becco (see N.29339). We are not far from the point where the track to the refuge departs the road Ra Stua - Sennes - Fodara. Actually, you cas see the fork within the picture.
10 HF, Nikon D3300, 35 mm (x 1.5), f/8, 1/320.
B. B., Sebastian Becher, Müller Björn, Alvise Bonaldo, Hans-Jörg Bäuerle, Niklas Günther, Johannes Ha, Leonhard Huber, Walter Huber, Thomas Janeck, Gianluca Moroni, Danko Rihter, Patrick Runggaldier, Michael Strasser, Sieber Toni, Jens Vischer
VG, Alberto.
Splendido panorama... Ciao, Gianluca.
Dato che sono stupidi pixel, non mi sono neanche preso la briga di tagliare, spero senza troppo offendere l'ecologia!
Herzliche Grüße
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