Dai graniti del Monte Cima   41963
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1 Monte Coppolo, 2069
2 Silana, 1656
3 Monte Grappa, 1770
4 Monte Mezza, 1679
5 Caldiera, 2124
6 Strigno
7 Samone
8 Cima Dodici, 2334
9 Scurelle
10 Castelnuovo, 350
11 Olle
12 Carzano
14 Telve
15 Pizzo di Levico, 1908
16 Telve di Sopra
17 Becco di Filadonna, 2152
18 Torcegno
19 Panarotta, 2002
20 Fravort, 2347
21 Musiera
22 Gronlait, 2381
23 Sasso Rotto, 2396


Aufnahmestandort: Monte Cima (1980 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Fleimstaler Alpen      Datum: 23-08-2017
Although of modest altitude, the Monte Cima is a good viewpoint over the Valsugana.
Few metres away from here there are the ruins of the old cableway connecting the village of Samone (700 m) to the mountain, which for a long time hosted quartz mines.
In this occasion Monte Cima was the nice start of a long walk into the massif of Cimadasta, described in www.wikiloc.com/wikiloc/view.do?id=19439044


a nice cloudy situation.

29.08.2017 12:11 , Ralf Neuland
Mi piacciono particolarmente i raggi solari che attraversano!
29.08.2017 14:00 , Horst Muschert
I raggi erano esattamente cosí: nessun "miglioramento" con Photoshop, Viveza o altro.
Die Strahlen waren genauso: keine "Verbesserung" mit Photoshop, Viveza usw.
LG, Alberto.
29.08.2017 18:12 , Pedrotti Alberto
schöne Steinformen ganz links und auch die Wolken super. LG Alexander
29.08.2017 21:05 , Alexander Von Mackensen

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Pedrotti Alberto

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