Ober Engadin...Unter Wolken   84954
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1 Piz Neir 2909m
2 Piz Arblatsch 3203m
3 Piz Bardella 2839m
4 Piz Polaschin 3013m
5 Piz Güglia 3380m
6 Silvaplana 1815m
7 Champfér 1825m
8 Piz Ot 3246m
9 St.Moritz 1822m
10 Piz Surlej 3188m


Aufnahmestandort: Corvatsch Bergstation -GR (CH) (3303 m)      Fotografiert von: Marco Nipoti
Gebiet: Bernina Alpen      Datum: 2 April 2007
Pano aus 13 Hochformat-Aufnahmen.
Blickwinkel 200°
EXIF Daten der erste Aufnahme
Modell: Canon IXUS 55
Orig. Datum Zeit: 02.04.07 12:54 Uhr
Orig. Aufnahmen in JPG
Belichtungszeit 1/1000 s
Brennweite 35mm
ISO 50
Org. Grösse : 10064x2056 (20 MPixel)


Great panorama and perfectly stitched. I would envy the nice environment to have a good skiing day. - I am just thinking whether this pano would gain something with less sky!? Less sky would enlarge the mountain scenery a bit. - What do you think? - Tanti saluti, dirk
30.05.2008 09:23 , Dirk Becker
Hi Marco, wieder ein tolles Pano von dir. LG Johann
30.05.2008 10:43 , Johann Ilmberger
Darf ich Dir... 
noch auf Dein "Pano mit Cachet" den Piz Güglia beschriften?
lg Walter
31.05.2008 10:11 , Walter Schmidt
Wolken haben ihren besonderen Reiz... 
...wenn man dahinter bekannte Namen suchen und beschriften muss - ist jedenfalls immer spannend und kommt mir fast wie ein Kreuzworträtsel vor! lg Fredy
31.05.2008 11:19 , Fredy Haubenschmid
Thanks for your kind comments and evaluation.
@Dirk: yes with less sky mountains would have been more detailed, but since the picture is relatively small, cutting it would have meant to decrease quality.
In effect also the "rule of thirds" is not respected in this case, but let's say it is a "Wolken Panorama" instead of an "Alpen Panorama" ;-) Some of the clouds have interesting structures. Anyway the skiing day was great in spite of clouds covering Bernina, as always happens when I want to shoot it :(
@Walter: "Pano with cachet" :-D ... of course you can add Julier/Guglia description!
@Fredy: Crosswords :-D ... good idea let's start a new game in A-P.de: guess what there is under the cloud! With the help of the other great panoramas shot from here this one could be easy to solve...
03.06.2008 14:44 , Marco Nipoti
Anyway: Although not one of your best panos, this is technically perfect and nevertheless the scenery is great; the shadow, the light and the clouds are really precious! - Tanti saluti, dirk
03.06.2008 16:27 , Dirk Becker
Belle le nuvole! Non hai pensato magari ad un campo più largo per includere anche i laghi?
03.06.2008 19:29 , Stefano Caldera
@Stefano: purtroppo erano parzialmente coperti dalla ringhiera del terrazzo panoramico
05.06.2008 09:56 , Marco Nipoti

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Marco Nipoti

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