Punta Tersiva |
Italian summit Matterhorn with cross |
Torre del Gran San Pietro |
Gran Paradiso |
La Grivola |
Becca de Luseney |
Les Jumeaux |
Punta Margherita |
Mont Morion Nord |
Mont Gelé |
Mont Vélan |
Mont Blanc |
Mont Brûlé |
La Singla |
Dent d'Hérens |
Grand Combin |
L'Evêque |
Aiguille Verte |
Mitre de l'Evêque |
Aiguille d'Argentière |
Tête de Valpelline |
Mont Collon |
Bouquetins |
Pigne d'Arolla |
Tiefmatten Glacier |
Bouquetins sommet Nord |
Tête de Chavannes |
Tête Blanche |
Dents de Bertol |
Stochji glacier |
Ferpècle glacier |
Pointe de Bertol |
Aiguille de la Tsa |
Aiguilles Rouges d'Arolla |
Pointe de Genevois |
Dent de Perroc |
Wandfluehorn |
Grande Dent de Veisivi |
Les Diablerets |
Wandflue |
Schonbiel glacier |
Dent Blanche |
Grand Cornier |
This pano was created with Ptgui Pro and 45 4k frames of an iPhone 14 pro max video. At that moment the helicopter made a 360° turn. All the frames were tilted approximately 30 to 40 degrees. It took me 2 days to put together a horizontal panorama stripped of the rotor and the many reflections in the window. Initially, the stitcher Ptgui couldn't create a panorama because the video was not shot at a fixed point which led to large distortions. So I added the frames one by one and used small sections to limit the parallax.
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