Sasso Canale II - El Cartelun   54200
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1 M.Tartano 2292m
2 El Cartelun
3 M.Combana 2323m
4 P.zo Rotondo 2495m
5 P.zo Alto 2495m
6 Cima di Moncale 2306m
7 M.Legnone 2609m
8 di Margno 1801m
9 Grigna N 2409m
10 La Corvegia 2282m
11 Legnoncino 1714m
12 M.Oriolo 1110m
13 M.S.Primo 1686m
14 Val di Bares
15 M.Tremezzo 1700m
16 M.Bregagno 2107m
17 M.Marnotto 2088m
18 M.Tabor 2079m
19 P.zo di Gino 2245m
20 Marmontana 2316m
21 di Gesero 2227m
22 Cardinello 2520m
23 Mater de Paia 2482m
24 P.zo Paglia 2593m
25 P.zo Cavregasco 2535m
26 P.zo Ledu' 2503m
27 Piz de Cressim 2575m
28 P.zo Padion 2631m
29 P.zo Forcola 2675m
30 Piz Pombi 2967m
31 Piz Corbet 3025m
32 P.zo Quadro 3015m
33 Piz Tambo' 3279m
34 Spluegenpass
35 Surettahorn 3027m
36 Piz Timun 3209m
37 P.zo Stella 3163m
38 Cima da Lagh 3060m
39 Piz Platta 3392m
40 Piz Gallagiun 3108m
41 Pizzun 2966m
42 Gletscherhorn 3107m
43 Piz Duan 3131m
44 P.zo di Prata 2727m
45 Stefanorama
46 M.Gruf 2936m
47 P.zo Badile 3305m
48 C.della Bondasca 3234m
49 P.zo Ligoncio 3033m
50 Sasso Manduino 2888m
51 M.Spluga 2845m
52 El Cartelun Grand


Aufnahmestandort: Sasso Canale (2411 m)      Fotografiert von: Marco Nipoti
Gebiet: Tessiner und Misoxer Alpen      Datum: 2 Oktober 2009
With Stefano, his panoramic was made 10 meters East, on the narrow rocky peak of Sasso Canale.
That's our motto: "Melius abundare quam deficere" :-)
Hope not to bother you...
In this pano you can take a look to the wild Val di Bares, and to the stone basketball player (one of the tallest I've ever seen) on the top of Sasso Canale.
If you ask yourself what's the "Cartelun" ...try to look to the peak description. Friends from Canton Ticino can discover it easier, since their dialect is very similar to the one spoken on Lake Como.

EXIF Daten der erste Aufnahme
Modell: Canon EOS 40D 17-85 IS USM
Orig. Datum Zeit: 02.10.09 14:06 Uhr
Orig. Aufnahmen in JPG
Belichtungszeit 640s
Brennweite 27mm
ISO 100
Org. Grösse : 18134x4203 (76MPixel)


Perfect panorama in a very nice place.... compliments!
Very nice also the stones/rocks colors.....
07.10.2009 22:30 , Daniele ceccato Daniele1357
Stones, sun, lake, ... - Ideal ingredients for a perfect panorama. - Great job! - Who has won the Stone Basketball game? ;-) - Tanti saluti, dirk
09.10.2009 11:25 , Dirk Becker
Klasse Marco! LG Chrsitian
09.10.2009 22:28 , Christian Hönig
@Dirk: The game was won by the Como Lakers ;-)
13.10.2009 09:36 , Marco Nipoti
Just let me know when the Como Lakers will have their next game: I'll come and watch! :-) - Tanti saluti, dirk
13.10.2009 12:31 , Dirk Becker

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Marco Nipoti

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