A tripod, a bicycle and a bird...   23344
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1 Le Viote
2 Chegul
3 Palon del Bondone, 2090
4 Cornone di Blumone, 2842
5 Vaneze
6 Cima di Valbona, 2887
7 Margone
8 Cop di Breguzzo, 3001
9 Care' Alto, 3460
10 Cima di Ghez, 2713
11 Monte Gazza, 1990
12 Cima Tosa, 3178
13 Paganella, 2124
14 Cima Brenta, 3150


Aufnahmestandort: Road Kamaus - Tinglerhof (1400 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Fleimstaler Alpen      Datum: 31-03-2012
Last Saturday I went off with a tripod on the bicycle, which is no common practice at 7 in the morning, especially if one does not have photographic proposals, and goes at work instead. But after work I wanted to compare a new bicycle with my own one, and this is easier to do reliably with a Gimp superimposition than on the field.
After this, I went for a late lunch to Kamaus, a beautiful spot in the Valle dei Mocheni - Bersntol. (Should the names sound somewhat German, a brief explanation is provided in N. 14682). I had an unique complaint: I was pedalling up a tripod for more than 1000 m without any hope of using it, because the afternoon light had become really dull. It was just for the sake of practising that I forced myself to shoot a panorama, which has indeed come out as unspectacular as expected, but at least with a little surprise. Namely, in the upper half of the upper of three rows of photos I noted a hawk - presumably the same who had killed one of the hens of Kamaus right the Saturday before. But, more curiously, the position of the unexpected host, so close to the "crash" into the ridge, reminded that of the "star" in N. 18407.
I label the summits very sparingly because they are only a little subset of those appearing in the latter panorama.
People from the other side of the Alps will also be amazed by the impressive lack of snow (and even of water!) that Trentino is suffering.


very impressive, both picture and story!
03.04.2012 09:31 , Uta Philipp
Really few snow! Looks like autumn! But the bird and the story is nice! greetings Seb
03.04.2012 17:37 , Sebastian Becher

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Pedrotti Alberto

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