Lagh de Cama   16278
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1 Toad
2 Piz de Sambrog 2312m
3 Frog spawn
4 Piz d'Uria 2287m
5 Bocchetta del Notar 2095m
6 Pizzo Campanile 2458m
7 Pizzo Martello 2450m
8 Bocchetta di Cama 2270m
9 Piz d'Agnon 2208m
10 Frog spawn


Aufnahmestandort: Lago di Cama / Alp del Lago (1265 m)      Fotografiert von: Stefano Caldera
Gebiet: Tessiner und Misoxer Alpen      Datum: 09 May 2010
This is probably the most difficult panorama I've ever made: no sunrays, fully backlight; so I created a "pseudoHDR" by converting the 22 RAW images with three different exposure compensations: +2,0,-2 and merging the three panoramics with two layer masks. I hope you like!

22 portrait images (11x2rows)
Canon EOS 40D
EF 17-40 F/4 L
17mm, F/8, 1/500s (for the +0EV)


I like it. It seems like you made the most of it, good and extensive work. LG Robert
11.05.2010 12:22 , Robert Viehl

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Stefano Caldera

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