Cima d'Ezze 360°   34432
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1 Sasso Rotto
2 Cima Sette Selle
3 Care' Alto
4 Palu' del Fersina
5 Cima Tosa
6 Cima Brenta
7 Presanella
8 Punta San Matteo
9 M. Vioz
10 M. Cevedale
11 Gran Zebru'-Koenigsspitze
12 Ortles
13 Ruhjoch
14 Palla Bianca-Weisskugel
15 M. Croce
16 Latemar
17 M. Ziolera
18 Marmolada
19 C. delle Stellune
20 C. Cece
21 Cimon della Pala
22 Cima d'Asta
23 Cime di Rava
24 Monte Ciste
25 M. Grappa
26 C. Caldiera
27 C. Undici
28 C. Dodici
29 M. Trentin
30 C. Portule
31 C. Manderiolo


Aufnahmestandort: Cima d'Ezze (2350 m)      Fotografiert von: Andrea Gasparotto
Gebiet: Fleimstaler Alpen      Datum: 16/01/2011
Another summit view in the south Lagorai, skitouren paradise!!

21 vertical shots with Nikon D90, F/10 1/640 s 24 mm 200 ISO.


lovely mountain view!
24.01.2011 23:25 , Uta Philipp
this is a nice winter panorama but it looks like the horizon goes up and down! greetings Seb
26.01.2011 12:58 , Sebastian Becher
You are partly right on the Horizon! there is an alignement problem in the central part of the pano, due to a misalignement during the shooting; in the left part instead, left of the Brenta group, it is an optic effect, the diminishing altitudes of the mountains give the impression of inclination of the Horizon!

27.01.2011 12:12 , Andrea Gasparotto

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Andrea Gasparotto

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