Monte Cenon   53073
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1 Sasso Rotto, 2396
2 Val d'Ezze
3 Cima Brenta, 3150
4 Calamento, 1200
5 Monte Croce, 2490
6 Passo Manghen, 2047
7 Ziolera, 2478
8 Pala del Beco, 2423
9 Val Montalon
10 Cima delle Buse, 2574
11 Cima delle Stellune, 2605
12 Lastè delle Sute, 2616
13 Castel dell'Aie, 2486
14 Passo Cinque Croci, 2018
15 Sassolungo, 3181
16 Cauriol, 2494
17 Piz Boè, 3152
18 Marmolada, 3342
19 Cimadasta, 2847
20 Cima Orsera, 2471
21 Cima Trento, 2530
22 Cima Caldenave, 2442
23 Croz di Primalunetta, 2304
24 Caldiera, 2124
25 Malga Cima, 1881
26 Cima Dodici, 2334
27 Val di Sella
28 Borgo Valsugana, 385
29 Pasubio, 2234
30 Cima Vezzena, 1908
31 Monte Baldo, 2218
32 Musiera
33 Becco di Filadonna, 2152
34 Salubio, 1886
35 Stivo, 2059
36 Fravort, 2347
37 Monte Ciste, 2186
38 Pontarso, 920


Aufnahmestandort: Monte Cenon (2278 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Fleimstaler Alpen      Datum: 10-05-2015
Monte Cenon is not a big mountain but, due to its position, turns out to be one of the best viewpoints over Valsugana and Val Calamento.
Whereas of the nearby Croz de Primalumetta I published the Nikon version, here - for the sake of a minimal variety - brand and colours are Canon. Beware that there is no word play since Cenon is read Cenón, whereas Canon is read Cànon - or, at least, so believe I!!
It is difficult to foresee by which issue the Betrachter will be more attracted: Croz vs. Cenon, Nikon vs. Canon or, arguably... neither of the two!

20 HF, Canon G1X, f/5.6, 1/640 sec.


In my case, Alberto: Valsugana vs Manghen.
(I wonder how often you have ridden that pass by bike.)
21.05.2015 11:51 , Arne Rönsch
Arne: I have checked the files. They answer: 61 times.
Best, Alberto.
21.05.2015 15:35 , Pedrotti Alberto
Excellent in every way. Cheers Bruno.
21.05.2015 18:24 , Bruno Schlenker
Alberto, to ride the Manghen 61 times, is crazy enough.
But to know it... :-)

Love to have you here!
22.05.2015 02:27 , Arne Rönsch
What a beautiful viewpoint!
23.05.2015 10:04 , Christoph Seger

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Pedrotti Alberto

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