Val Visdende   73400
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1 Malga Cecido, 2014
2 Cima Salvades, 2351
3 Malga Manzon, 1890
4 Gamskofel, 2415
5 Vancomun, 2581
6 Col Chiastelin
7 Torkarspitze, 2574
8 Passo Oregone
9 Peralba, 2694
10 (Sorgenti del Piave)
11 Franza, 2329
12 Chiesetta
13 Rinaldo, 2473
14 Malga Prà Marino
15 CIma Carro, 2136
16 Terza Piccola, 2334
17 Monte Curie, 2035
18 La Forceta, 1575
19 Col della Sentinella, 1715
20 Forcella Zovo, 1606


Aufnahmestandort: Prà Marino (1277 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Karnischer Hauptkamm      Datum: 07-12-2015
I had withdrawn the present 360° due to lack of interest, but it publish it again because it find it fairly representative of a valley very little represented here. This time it will stay regardless of positive/null/negative interest.
At the access to the valley you find the inscription "Val Visdende, tempio di Dio, inno al creatore": temple of God, hymn to the Creator, words used by Papa Giovanni Paolo II when he celebrated a mass in the nearby church (see label), on 12-07-1987.

12 HF, Canon G1X, 33 mm equiv, ISO 1600, f/3.5, 1/50 sec.


Seems cold...
I also watched Your other Panos ! The Cadore und parts of Friuli are, whyever, not in the touristic focus seen from the north. Our first Gelatiere was from Santo Stefano and, nice sound remembrance of childhood, alway passing the streets calling "Gelati, Gelati". When I was 4years we visited him in his new Albergo Monaco and also made trips to Val Visdende. Last Year we passed from Misurina, old Strada di Cima Gogna (scary) and Passo di Lavertet by racing bike.
Beautiful valleys and wild lonely mountains, I like the whole region very much.
As picture setting I only would have tried to reduce the importance of the gravel street and cars in foreground al little bit.
12.01.2016 17:09 , Harry Dobrzanski
Impagabile la luce del mattino 
Ciao, Alvise
13.01.2016 08:43 , Alvise Bonaldo
Das ist eine ganz spezielle Stimmungsstudie - ich mag das sehr.
13.01.2016 20:28 , Christoph Seger
Thanks to you all for commenting.

A question: putting together Stimmung, ecology, cars vs bicycles, gravel vs grass, what would you have chosen between the pano here and
taken the following morning?
Cheers, Alberto.

Harry: this district used to be a rich source of gelatai, although most known for this sake was the Val di Zoldo. I you are interested in that world and how it was, read "Marco e Mattio" by Sebastiano Vassalli.

Lavardêt by racing bicycle? From the side Val Frison, now it could be a problem, since the road is not maintained any more. Even the locals (in Campolongo) were not able to explain me why: once it was even classified as Strada Statale (SS465), but now the upper half is all in gravel:
Otherwise, you can see the whole track at

Cima Gogna: scary for the long tunnel? Last time I cycled the old raad, which should be open also nowadays for bicycles, thus providing a very pleasant stretch. Very closely reminding Val Cortella, near Monte Totoga - very recommended as well!
13.01.2016 22:18 , Pedrotti Alberto
Ciao Alberto,
We made a trip of "lost roads" and Lavardêt was nice with the tornanti-eldorado. Afterwards indeed we had to walk, up to the pesarina-ciampigotto street. Cima Gogna street was special because there was no one and it seemd like a world after mankind, with a more and more ruined infrastructure taken ove rby nature again. But also beautiful.
14.01.2016 10:42 , Harry Dobrzanski
What caught my eye at once is the Venus-Moon conjunction above the Rinaldo. KR Wilfried
14.01.2016 17:17 , Wilfried Malz
Il your eye is for conjunctions, the right image for you dates one month back, 08-11-2015, Rifugio Biella under the Croda del Becco - Seekofel:
Cheers, Alberto.
14.01.2016 18:17 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Pedrotti Alberto

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