Cima Lasteati   33241
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1 Val Campelle
2 Rujoch, 2415
3 (Ponte Conseria, 1465)
4 Monte Croce, 2490
5 Ziolera, 2478
6 Buse Todesche, 2435
7 Pala del Becco, 2423
8 Malga Conseria, 1872
9 Cima delle Buse, 2574
11 Laghetti dei Lasteati, 2100 ca
12 Busa Grana, 2510
13 Cima delle Stellune, 2605
14 Cima Socede, 2173
15 WWI barracks
16 Col di San Giovanni, 2251
17 Cima Lagorai, 2585
18 To Passo Cinque Croci, 2018
19 Lastè delle Sute, 2616
20 Malga Val Cion, 1973
21 Cimon di Lastèolo (o di Lasteòto), 2550
22 Cima di Cupolà, 2547
23 LATEMAR, 2846
24 Castel dell'Aie, 2486
25 Catinaccio, 2981
26 Forcella Sadole, 2060
27 Catinaccio d'Antermoia, 3004
28 Valle del Vanoi
29 Cauriol, 2494
30 Cardinal, 2481
31 Malga Laghetti
33 La Busa Alta, 2513
34 Coltorondo, 2530
35 Piz Boè, 3152
36 Gran Vernel, 3210
37 Marmolada, 3342
38 Cima Corma, 2507
39 Bivacco Lasteati, 2305 (hidden)
40 CIMA CECE, 2754
41 CIMADASTA, 2847
43 Laghetto di Forcella Magna, 2167
44 Cima Tellina, 2340
45 La Forzeleta, 2680
46 Rifugio Brentari, 2473
47 La Banca, 2729
48 Cornetto del Passetto
49 Il Passetto, 2589
50 Cresta della Campagnassa
51 Pavione, 2335
52 Cima Campagnassa, 2406
53 Coppolo, 2069
54 Agaro, 2061
56 Cima dei Lasteati, 2413
57 Monte Avena, 1454
58 Pale di Segura
59 Cima Brunella, 2530
60 Cima Trento, 2530
62 Cengello, 2439
63 Cima Dodici, 2334
64 Cima Portule, 2307
65 PASUBIO, 2234
66 Croz di Primalunetta, 2304
68 MONTE BALDO, 2218
69 Monte Cenon, 2278
70 VIGOLANA, 2152
71 Panarotta, 2002
72 Fravort, 2347
73 Gronlait, 2381
74 Sasso Rotto, 2396


Aufnahmestandort: Cima Lasteati (2409 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Fleimstaler Alpen      Datum: 13-08-2016
The present picture meets a request formulated in a comment to N.30786.
Curiously enough, born as a portrait of the Lagorai, it has then a bit betrayed its nature... Namely, as you see, I decided to split the chain in two, although isolating only the SW end (that is, my very home mountains). Actually, no other cut turned out to be satisfying in terms of "mass distribution".
However you put it, for a 360° panorama featuring the Lagorai the problem is always the same: their porphiric semicircle encloses the much more powerful granitic mass of Cimadasta. If you put yourself on the top of the latter, the Lagorai result to a certain extent dwarfed. If you do otherwise, sooner or later you have to cope with that mass...
Here, after a marvelous dinner at Malga Conseria, I left the bicycle at Passo Cinque Croci, and climbed in the darkness to the recently restored Bivacco Lasteati (a former WWI barrack), 100 m below the summit. The point was that in the night between August 12 and 13 a peak of falling stars was expected. Actually, I saw a dozen of them but no one fell within the few photos that I took.
Here, as you see, the stars have already done their job and a beautiful day has risen.

NB: the photo is taken from the N summit, 2409, not from the main summit 2413. The tradition to reach the 2409 point (also marked by a rudimentary wooden cross) comes from the winter season, when it is the aim of a classical ski-mountaineering tour, whereas the traverse to the 2413 point is often delicate and dangerous (cornices).
Panoramically, from Point 2413 you would earn the summit of Monte Grappa, but you would loose the idyllic Laghetti dei Lasteati...


Bellissima Alberto !!

18.08.2016 18:35 , Gerhard Eidenberger
20.08.2016 00:07 , Johannes Ha
Colours seem to welcome autumn. Composition admires Queen Asta, as you said. Regards Peter
20.08.2016 09:04 , Peter Brandt

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Pedrotti Alberto

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