Cima Cavè   21221
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1 Palú / Palai in Bersntol
2 Hasenöhrl, 3256
3 Frotten, 1560
4 Rujoch, 2415
5 Zuckerhütl, 3507
6 Fregasoga, 2452
7 Monte Croce, 2490
8 Latemar, 2846
9 Cima di Sette Selle, 2396
10 Sasso Rotto, 2396
11 Baiseart, 2295
12 Forcella delle Conelle / Sensattel
13 Cima delle Stellune, 2605
14 Cima Cece, 2754
15 Cimon della Pala, 3184
16 Cima d'Asta, 2847
17 Sopra Conella, 2308
18 Cima Trento, 2530
19 Ciste, 2186
20 Coppolo, 2069
21 Silana, 1656
22 Picosta, 1427
23 Pale delel Rive, 1678
24 Valsugana
25 Monte Grappa, 1770
26 Caldiera, 2124
27 Malga Casapinello, 1706
28 Cima Dodici, 2334
29 Portule, 2308
30 Monte del Lago, 2327
31 Gronlait, 2381
32 Stivo, 2059
33 Mut
34 Cornetto, 2180
35 Lago di Erdemolo, 2020
36 Cima Brenta, 3150
37 Dosso di Costalta, 1955
38 Pietra Grande, 2937
39 Cevedale, 3768
40 Ortles, 3905
41 Stocher, 1981


Aufnahmestandort: Cima Cavè (2296 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Fleimstaler Alpen      Datum: 20-05-2021
Even now, that the restrictions have been relaxed, I am moving in an absolutely restricted way: this summit can be reached cycling from Pergine to the "Grua va Hardömbl", 1700 m
and then ascending the upper valley, still full of snow.
I did this also the following day, climbing this time the summit twice, because of the high quality of the firn, but on top I found only a nice Brocken - as one knows, Brocken and 360° view are often not compatible...


25.05.2021 21:50 , Johannes Ha
Nuvole patagoniche 
Per un attimo ho pensato di essere su PPH...
Ciao, Alvise
26.05.2021 11:02 , Alvise Bonaldo

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Pedrotti Alberto

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