Monte Agaro, towards east   45223
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1 Coston Slavaci
2 Col della Boia
3 Cima di Bragarolo
4 Cima di Ceremana
5 Cima Valcigolera
6 Colbricon
7 Marmolada p.ta Penia
8 Il Mulaz
9 Cimon della Pala
10 Cima Folga
11 La Rosetta
12 Pala di San Martino
13 La Fradusta
14 Cima dei Lastei
15 Agner
16 Croda Granda
17 Cima d'Oltro
18 Passo Brocon
19 Spiz di Moschesin
20 Monte Talvena
21 Piz Sagron
22 Piz de Mez
23 Sass da Mur
24 Col Nudo
25 Monnte Pavione
26 Monte Vallazza
27 Monte Coppolo
28 Monte Avena
29 Monte Grappa


Aufnahmestandort: Monte Agaro (2000 m)      Fotografiert von: Andrea Gasparotto
Gebiet: Dolomiten      Datum: 17/01/2009
Monte Agaro is a small ski-territory directly over Passo Brocon, in the region of Cima d'Asta, between Valsugana and Primiero. It is a beutiful balcony towards Pale di San Martino and Southern Dolomites.
15 shoths with Canon Sx100IS, handfree.


The Brocon has got a quite interesting history: Austria-Hungary needed a pass there, for it had lost Veneto to Italy in 1866 and did not want to touch Italian territory by going from Rolle to Valsaguna. The street was not completed until 1909 - and lost its importance only 10 years later. Life is unfair... - I should like to see the Brocon some day in the Giro, anyway.
19.01.2009 12:15 , Arne Rönsch
You live in a great area Andrea! At most i like Vallazzo and Pavione! great! greetz Seb
19.01.2009 12:44 , Sebastian Becher
ottimo lavoro! Bellissime montagne...
19.01.2009 21:43 , Gianluca Moroni
Giro ist das Stichwort und geht genau durch diese wunderbare Gebirgskette vorbei am 12-13.5.09 mit Etappenziel am Passo Rolle.
@ Andrea: mi sento quasi a casa del mio padre, ma avrei visto pocco giu ne la vale. bella panoramica.
19.01.2009 22:18 , René Tessaro

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Andrea Gasparotto

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