Fravort III   52756
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1 Castelletto di Rava. 2337
2 Vette Feltrine, 2335
3 Pale delle Rive, 1679
4 Borgo Valsugana, 385
5 Cima Campo, 1511
6 Caldiera, 2124
7 Roncegno, 535
8 Cima Dodici, 2334
9 Portule, 2307
10 Porta Manazzo, 1770
11 Monte Verena, 2015
12 Pizzo di Levico, 1908
13 Panarotta, 2002
14 Pasubio, 2234
15 Vigolana, 2152
16 Monte Baldo, 2219
17 Altissimo di Nago, 2078
18 Malga Montagna Granda
19 Stivo, 2059
20 Tre Cime di Bondone, 2180
21 Marzola, 1738
22 Viote
23 Blumone, 2830
24 Stoana
25 Pergine, 480
26 Kamaus
27 Fersina
28 Celva, 996
29 Carè Alto, 3462
30 Calisio, 1096
31 Cima Tosa, 3173
32 Cima Brenta, 3150
33 Ortles, 3905
34 Oscivart, 2283


Aufnahmestandort: Fravort SW ridge (2260 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Fleimstaler Alpen      Datum: 18-02-2015
This is a further study after my two previous panos from my home-summit Fravort.
Of the two, the first one does not - after all - convince me. I guess that the Neutral color profile is no good starting point for my taste.
I am better satisfied with the second one, but the satisfaction disappears as soon as I think of the amount of work that was needed to set up the so called "bracketing of the poor" - no matter if it is really of the poor.
Here is what I could realize with a single (Lightroom) exposure... I wait for opinions/suggestions, if any!
The underlying assumption is that also here I pushed the camera exposure to the border, in order to limit the necessity to lift shadows. Namely, when doing this, the fact that the G1X is no reflex, pops out dramatically.
What happened with the dark forests lower down, can be checked in
For completeness of information, the material does no longer come from ascent N.178 to the Fravort: now the count is updated to 181.
16 HF, Canon G1X, ISO 160, f/5.6, 1/100


Very nice!
Lg Hans
21.02.2015 15:59 , Hans Diter
molto bene - Alexander
21.02.2015 22:38 , Alexander Von Mackensen
tanti saluti d'Alfredo
22.02.2015 12:14 , Fredy Haubenschmid
Congratulations. A "Meisterwerk", although only some will realize it. The key for understanding - at least for me - is the panoramic - picture. It clearly shows how well the dynamic range of the frame was captured and preserved - even after shrinking the picture.

Herzlichst Christoph
22.02.2015 15:45 , Christoph Seger
For my taste, this single-exposure work is completely convincing and the shadows still look very natural. No need at all for HDR, bracketing or any other fancy stuff. Cheers, Martin
22.02.2015 17:42 , Martin Kraus

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Pedrotti Alberto

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